Director Principal

Dr. Rita Chatterjee
MA., M.Ed., Ph.D (English)

“The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.” – Theodore M. Hesburgh

Lesser words and precision in notes help us understand the truth. Words often fail and misguide you to stranger terrains of confusion. Basically, I believe that the essence of being is found in his or her repertoire of work and deliberation on the worldview of his or her work. Living and sharing of personal intellectual space with young learners are my few engagements with society. It is always embarrassing an act to enlist one’s accomplishments and impossible a feat to share one’s vision. However, for an introduction, I have brief fragments of my objective, strengths and mission of my life and work.


I am an academic with a huge body of experience, a plethora of exposure and an abundance of virgin ideas in the field of learning and exchange of knowledge. I have always believed in the integral approach of a learning system generating wisdom rather than mere success. Success is a temporary height accomplished by an individual, which no doubt is significant and valuable, but wisdom is a foundational brick that stays lifelong. Education has two prong objectives; one is to earn a living and the other is to earn a life. To live is not to experience life. Life is a broader and more colourful spectrum than living. My efforts are to provide the best ambience and opportunity to all my seekers of knowledge and to abide by the guiding principles of NEP. They learn the art of searching and enquiry that leads to the final goal of accomplishing wisdom, hands-on experience, true knowledge and finally the comprehension of the Self. It seems far-fetched, but it is achievable and feasible by all standards. My objective is to be a part of an organization that nurtures similar thoughts and visions. I wish to be a partner in that gargantuan task that a visionary might have initiated. I aim to build a team of leaders who can put their best efforts into making dreams true. I have worked with a prime educational institute and a national academic board to gather enough strength and conviction to achieve bigger goals keeping the smaller ones in control. Sharing an idea is great, but sharing a journey is greater because it needs more sacrifice and more rigour to realize and carry it out. Hence, why me?


I have ample experience and understanding of educational systems, board rules, management policies, and the dynamics of the student, teacher, and parent trio. I have a comprehensive idea of the spatio-temporal reality of a functioning, living institution. I have new ideas of growth plans, and expansion and an expertise in handling critical situations. I have designed, monitored and conducted many training programmes for Institutional heads, teachers, students and parents. Therefore, I can effortlessly deal with issues which might seem provocative or insensitive or threatening to a layman in Academic spheres.  I am compatible and amicable with my team and believe all have potential, but we need someone to trigger them, ignite the fire of realization and ‘go-getti spirit. I am a dreamer, but as respected Kalamji said ‘a dreamer dreaming with open eyes.’


I keep looking for new opportunities to meet my heart’s expectations. Bernard Shaw being one of my favourite writers has always been a key inspiration in sorting out my thoughts and mission. He said, “You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’” I wish to get things done. Simple and straight! A verbose and obscure writing will never define my mission. So, again, I reiterate that my mission is to construct, contrive and evolve.

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy

Dr. Rita Chatterjee