The second session of our ‘Igniting Minds’ series was a presentation on Project Cheetah by Ananta Prasad, Destination Marketing Expert from the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India, for the states of Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh. A tourism professional, he also has his own start-up for Experiential Tourism in Odisha and India. Ananta Prasad brought his experience from the Project Cheetah initiative of rewilding cheetahs in the Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh to share with children. Our young people interacted with him in a wide ranging discussion on the extinct species and the critical importance of restoring this national treasure. Children also learnt about the relationship between the natural world and that of human beings, how each species has a specific position in the chain of survival. They discussed habitats and food, as well as the impact of human interference on wildlife. The excitement was palpable, and in closing, we had a group of youngsters who were well informed about the cheetahs and their rewilding in India.